Thursday, February 26, 2009

Worship DVD - Passion '06 Everything Glorious

The title of the worship DVD that I am analysing is ‘Passion ’06 – Everything Glorious (this was played in class)

The first thing the class looked at was the title screen, there were people singing, a cross hanging from the ceiling and song titles with religious elements, these are classed as sacred. There are also things that could be classed as profane, such as the coloured lights, spotlights and even the swirl patterns on the border.

One of the songs we watched was ‘Made to Worship’, the most obvious sacred thing in this song was how the audience exhibited their meditative pose with their hands raised towards the ceiling, as if they were reaching out for God. They also closed their eyes, this might be to close any distractions out and to focus on God. Some things that may be profane are the electric guitars being played, the amps and the smoke from the smoke machine.

Then we watched ‘Jesus Paid it All’, this is a hymn, in this video were candles (which are in all the big old churches) this may represent sacred/alone time with God. This also shows a big cross being raised up towards the ceiling. Also in this hymn the musicians played louder after each verse, this could be classed as profane because hymns are usually quiet songs.

And we also watched ‘We Win’, this was more of a loud song. This song has similar sacred things as the songs before, but there are some “profane” things in it, such as the D.J., sound effects, electric guitars, keyboards (instead of piano) and even the fact that it is a loud song. But because the people are using to worship the Lord, then this would then become sacred.

Sorry, but the Passion '06 film clip for 'We Win' couldn't be found, so you will just have bear with this one.

Coventry Cathedral

The religious building that I am analysing is the Coventry Cathedral, it is a place of worship and has been since approx. 1095-1102.

The photo above shows, the old building on the left, the entrance in the middle and the new building on the right. With the entrance in the middle, this could represent a ‘pathway’ between ‘old life’ and ‘new life’. But it could also show the old building as the underworld, the entrance as the earth and the new building as Heaven.

The objects inside the cathedral also make this building sacred, with things such as a big cross hanging from the ceiling for everyone to see, stain glass windows for when the sun sets and shines through them making shadowed images inside.
The painting of God on the wall could be profane because different people see God in several different ways. But could also be a sacred thing because people could relate to this painting and feel comforted.

An interesting sight is that there are coins in the floor, these coins were made the year that the new Coventry Cathedral was reconstructed (after being bombed in World War II). It was reconstructed in 1962.

Sacred Space

Definition of sacred space: ‘Sacred Spaces evoke a feeling of a sacredness of space and time, where Heaven seems to touch Earth and we find ourselves aware of the Holy, and filled with the Spirit.’

The places that I find are sacred in my life are Church, where I can pray and worship the Lord and home, when I listen to worship music and play my guitar.

There are many sacred spaces around the world, one of them is the World Trade Centre in New York, after the terrorist attack on the 11th September, 2001 this became a sacred space for many people. The loved ones of who died regularly visit this site to stop and remember them.

The reason that I think the World Trade Centre became a sacred place is because there was a sense of Christ that came over the site, which then people went to for comfort and support.

This event affected me and many other people deeply because of all the innocent people who died in the tragic event. It made me sad and made me feel sorry for every one of them.

Our class also listened to the song ‘Where the Streets Have No Name’ by U2 and discussed how it was an attempt to describe the concept of Heaven and how it was similar to the way many other people see Heaven, with words like 'light', 'freedom' and 'shelter'.

There can also be other sacred things (it is not just sacred ‘places’) you can also have sacred ‘time’, where you have uninterrupted time to do things that you like doing, like worship, play or even talk with family and friends.